Designing for Human Variability
This study introduces a high-fidelity tactile feedback mechanism to capture the ergonomic attributes of users inside the virtual product development cycle. The research question posed regards whether the tactile feedback mechanism in virtual experiments proposes high fidelity of ergonomics results when compared to physical experiment outcomes. This question was evaluated through an objective and a subjective study. The objective study was composed of an ergonomics product assessment experiment, where two different cart designs (a commercial cart and a prototype model) were evaluated for ergonomic adequacy (L4/L5 compression forces). Subjective evaluation consisted of a questionnaire to assess subjects' preferences regarding which cart model they preferred in three different design categories: maneuverability, accessibility, and ergonomics. Results showed that the tactile feedback mechanism was able to replicate the physical test conditions in a virtual environment with high fidelity, and the prototype cart model received higher mean ratings when compared to the commercial cart model in each design category.
Digital Human Modeling | Motion Capture | Force Feedback | Product Design | Human Factors & Ergonomic | Virtual Reality

The early-stage design approach proposed in this study offers opportunities to accommodate the needs and limitations of nurses from different anthropometric backgrounds and evaluate performance based on computational models.
H. O. Demirel and V. G. Duffy, “Incorporating tactile cues into human-centered virtual product design,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5–16, 2017.